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Get Free money-saving home tips at my web site:
Brain Teaser…
Why is it common to have the snooze
alarm interval be 9 minutes on alarm
Three Charming Steps
Being charming is helpful whether you
are trying to get your spouse to agree
with you or if you sell products or
services. Try these 3 steps to charm:
Show appreciation
for people’s
time and attention.
Ask about them.
Learn what is
going on in their lives.
Make them laugh
. Everyone needs
a little break from their serious life.
Curiosity Killed The Cat
A mother had finally lost her patience
with her seven year old boy that was
always asking questions.
She asked him, “Did you ever hear that
curiosity killed the cat?”
Curious to hear the story, he asked her
to tell him about the cat’s demise.
“Well, there was a cat that was always
inquisitive. One day, she peeked into a
huge hole, slipped, fell in and died.”
The seven year old then asked what was
in the hole.
Walk To Prevent Dementia
People who walk just six miles per
week seem to be less likely to develop
dementia says
Dried Figs Protect Heart
Research has shown that dried figs are
good for more than just being a source
of fiber. They provide a good dose of
polyphenols which act as a potent
antioxidant, preventing the formation of
plaque that can clog arteries.
Five to six figs a day are best. Include
them in a bowl of oatmeal or salad. Or
you can combine them with sweet
potatoes or squash.
Interesting Question
We’re told that the customer is always
right. So, why isn’t everything free?
Avoid This Common
Threat To Your House
Moisture from accumulated water or vapor can be a big threat, sometimes
without you even knowing. If not addressed quickly, there is potential for
major damage to your home. If left alone, moisture can even threaten your
health if it starts to create mold and mildew. Protect your house, and yourself,
by checking these common trouble spots:
Leaky pipes are common in
kitchens, bathrooms and utility rooms.
Sometimes the leak is seeping, rather than an obvious drip. The first sign
may be a mildew smell or a discoloration of the walls. To seal up leaks:
tighten loose pipes, replace cracked piping, and use waterproof caulk.
Poor ventilation in
cooking or showering areas can create a moisture on
ceilings. Fans should be used during and at least five minutes after
showering or cooking.
Attic moisture can occur where
the roof meets any vents, chimneys,
skylights or some other opening. When the roof shingles become
saturated, the water seeps into the attic. This space between your roof
and ceiling can be a habitat for mold growth if water is present. Have a
qualified contractor inspect your roof to identify areas needing repair.
Save Hundreds On Electronics
Do you want a bargain on your next cell phone, TV, computer, or
digital camera? Then take advantage of the billions of dollars worth of
brand name electronics that are returned to the stores each year. Many
times there is nothing wrong with the product, a person simply changed
their mind. But the store can no longer sell it as a “new” product.
Check the following websites to find electronics in nearly new
condition that are classified as refurbished:
(click under “special deals” on the left side);
; or
Be sure to take these cautious measures:
Learn how the manufacturer defines “refurbished.”
Most stores
will tell you how they classify items. You can also search a
manufacturer’s website for information on how they get their
refurbished products for sale, or email their support department.
Search for items that clearly have been returned unused
because of
30-day return policies or products sold for a discount due to minor
cosmetic damage. Make sure to get a good warranty and return policy.
Confirm that all the components of a new product are included.
Go to the website of the manufacturer’s new products to learn what
should be included with your model of the item.