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Get Free money-saving home tips at my web site:
Brain Teaser…
Brothers and sisters I have none. But
this man’s father is my father’s son.
Who is the man?
(See page 4 for the answer.)
Real Estate Question?
Maybe you want to know how much
your home is worth. Or maybe you just
need a recommendation for a
handyman, carpet cleaner or plumber…
Either way, I love hearing from all of
my good friends and clients. And I’m
always looking to answer pressing
questions you might have about
anything relating to real estate or home-
If you have a question, tip or idea,
please feel free to call me at
. I’m here to help!
Cruise Ship Cleanliness
Before you make a reservation for your
next cruise, you may want to find out
about the ship’s sanitation practices.
The Centers for Disease Control
monitors the vessel sanitation programs
of all ships that visit U.S. ports. They
analyze water supply, food storage and
preparation, pools and spas and general
cleanliness. Find ratings for specific
ships at
Links To Leisure
Try a few of these sites to add to your
leisure time:
: You can find links to more than
2,500 radio stations.
Horseback riding
: Find guest ranches,
riding clinics, and even cattle drives.
Beverage recipes
: Even non-alcoholic
ones like chocolate drinks, fruit
punches, lemonades, and more.
Raw Honey On Cuts?
When honey is applied to minor burns
and wounds, the combination of sugar
and antibacterial properties can speed
up healing. The thick, gooey honey
adheres to the wound to provide a
protective barrier and the inflammation
is reduced with natural antioxidants.
Save Money With These
Quick Appliance Fixes
Appliance repair experts say that up to 25 percent of repair calls
have simple solutions. Try these fixes before calling the appliance
repair service.
Refrigerator is not cold
. If you can’t get the refrigerator cold
enough by lowering the setting, try looking under it. You probably
have dirty condenser coils. Unplug the fridge, remove the grill and
vacuum the coils to remove dirt and dust.
Dishwasher is not running
. The float switch inside the
dishwasher tells it when enough water has entered and when to
begin washing. See if the switch is jammed in the up position
from objects like forks.
Weak vacuum suction
. If cleaning the filters and bags doesn’t
help, check the hose for an obstruction. Drop a coin in one end
and if it doesn’t come out, try to dislodge the debris with a
Secrets To Feel Young
The process of getting older is unavoidable, but feeling old is
optional. Here’s what you can do to
Be future-minded:
Whatever you regret from the past is over. Let it
go. Literally re-program the way you think about the past and the
concept of growing older. According to a Yale study, those who have a
positive mindset about growing older live about seven years longer than
those who grumbled about their age. Change your attitude to live
longer but also to get more life now.
Don’t retire from being useful:
Sure, you may have earned the right
to slow down and work less, but feeling that you still make a difference
is invigorating. Keep both the mind and body moving by getting
involved in
Secrets To Feel Young
The process of getting older is unavoidable, but feeling old is
optional. Here’s what you can do to feel young and alive.
Appreciate your age:
Whatever you regret from the past is over.
Let it go. Literally re-program the way you think about the past and
the concept of growing older. Setting new goals can give you more
life now and help you live longer. According to a Yale study, people
who had a positive mindset about growing older lived about seven
years longer than those who grumbled about their age.
Don’t retire from being useful:
Sure, you may have earned the
right to slow down and work less, but feeling that you still make a
difference is invigorating. Keep both the mind and body moving by
getting involved in volunteer activities and exercise clubs.