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your friends or family save time and
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Thanks for keeping me in mind with
your referrals…and spreading the word
about my services.
Brain Teaser Answer:
On a baseball field.
Hoax-Busting Websites
Since anyone can publish on the
internet, it has brought an avalanche of
false information, rumor and urban
legends. Before you believe everything
you read, check the facts at one of these
is a great resource for
dispelling misinformation including
frauds, scams, and unbelievable stories.
The site is well organized by category.
warns that there
is never a good reason to pass on email
chain letters. Their hoax busting advice
is alphabetized.
shows current
information for online rumors and tells
if they are fact or fiction.
claims to have
been debunking email hoaxes and
internet scams since 2003.
for reading my
Service For Life
personal newsletter.
I wanted to produce a newsletter that
has great content and is fun and
valuable to you. Your constructive
feedback is always welcome.
whether you’re thinking of
buying, selling or financing real estate,
or just want to stop by and say “Hi,” I’d
love to hear from you…
Florence Gadbois
DRE #01040021
RE/MAX Gold Coast Realors
Disclaimer: The information contained in this letter is intended for
informational purposes. It should not substitute as legal,
accounting, investment, medical and other professional services
advice. Always seek a competent professional for answers to your
specific questions. This letter is not intended to solicit real estate
properties currently for sale.
Real Estate Corner…
Q. Why do some homes sell in days when others take months or don’t sell
at all
When sellers or their real estate agent overlook any of the important
ingredients of a successful sale, a home can linger on the market. Here are
three reasons why a home doesn’t sell quickly:
1. Asking price is too high.
When a home first comes on the market, the list
price must be at or near the market value so buyers see it as a good value
and put in an offer. If you would like to know your home’s current value, I
will gladly conduct a
Maximum Home Value Audit
. I conduct this in-
depth analysis for no charge to identify your home’s highest possible value.
2. Poor marketing plan.
Most real estate agents will do nothing more than
put the house in the MLS. When I am hired to sell a home, I use a
28 Step
Home Marketing Plan
to reach more potential buyers in the first few
weeks after a home is listed for sale.
3. Home is not staged properly.
A buyer wants to buy a home they can
imagine living in with their family. If the house is not staged or it’s done
incorrectly, buyers may lose interest and move on to other homes. Get the
facts on how to stage your properly by requesting my Free Consumer Guide
“4-Steps To Stage Your Home For A Fast Sale.”
If you have questions, or need capable and trustworthy representation, please
call me at 805-701-8410.
“Who Else Wants To Win
$75 Gift Certificate to Quincy
Guess who won last month’s Trivia Question? I’m pleased to announce
the lucky winner of last month’s quiz. And the winner is…drum roll please:
Tom Padden of Santa Monica was the first to correctly answer my quiz
What did the creator of Scrabble, Alfred Mosher Butts, use as a
reference to set the distribution of letters for the game?
a) Webster’s Dictionary b) New York Times
c) Encyclopedia Britannica d) Life Magazine
The answer is b) New York Times. Butts studied the front page of the
New York Times to determine the relative frequency of letters in the original
Scrabble game. He tweaked it by only including four “S’s” to make the game
harder and limit plurals. So, let’s move on to
month’s trivia question.
What is the largest denomination note ever printed?
a) $1,000 b) $1,000,000 c) $500,000 d) $100,000
Call Me At 805-701-8410 OR Email Me At
And You Could Be My Next Winner!