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Brain Teaser Answer:
Six of one, a half dozen of another
That’s A Good Question
Why is it that when you transport
something by car
, it's called a
shipment, but when you transport
something by ship, it’s called cargo?
Why are there flotation devices
under plane seats and not
Why don’t psychics ever win the
If Walmart lowers prices every day,
why isn’t anything free yet?
Free Wi-Fi Locator
Looking for free Wi-Fi spots when you
travel? Find locations in the U.S.,
Canada, Europe, and other parts of the
world at
The lists include restaurants, hotels, and
libraries – categorized by country, state,
and province (where applicable).
for reading my
Service For Life
personal newsletter.
I wanted to produce a newsletter that
has great content and is fun and
valuable to you. Your constructive
feedback is always welcome.
whether you’re thinking of
buying, selling or financing real estate,
or just want to stop by and say “Hi,” I’d
love to hear from you…
Florence Gadbois
DRE Lic. #01040021
RE/MAX Gold Coast Realtors
1151 S Victoria, Oxnard, CA
Disclaimer: The information contained in this letter is intended for
informational purposes. It should not substitute as legal,
accounting, investment, medical and other professional services
advice. Always seek a competent professional for answers to your
specific questions. This letter is not intended to solicit real estate
properties currently for sale.
Real Estate Corner…
Q. Are there any secrets to finding the right home at the right price with
the right financing?
Lots of homebuyers waste time and money by not doing their homework
before going home shopping. Here’s what you should do:
Analyze your NEEDS before you start looking.
Make a list, including
price range, size, general location, number of bedrooms, bathrooms, etc.
Know what you WANT in your next home
. List the features you’d like
to have and rank them in terms of importance. If you have a spouse, set
your priorities as a couple.
Understand how much home you can afford
. Become familiar with
your “payment-to-income ratio” and your “debt-to-income ratio,” two
bankers and mortgage lenders use to determine how much loan you
can afford.
For more home buying tips, ask for my Free Consumer Report called
“8 Secrets For Saving Thousands When Buying Your Next Home.”
Do you have a question you want answered? Feel free to call me at 805-
701-8410. Perhaps I’ll feature your question in my next issue!
“Who Else Wants To Win
$75 Gift Certificate for The Italian
Job Restaurant?”
Guess who won last month’s Trivia Question? I’m pleased to announce
the lucky winner of last month’s quiz. And the winner is…drum roll please:
The Swoffords were the first to correctly answer my quiz question.
Other than the regular cast members, what character will you notice on
almost every episode of the Seinfeld TV series?
a) Batman b) Garfield c) Superman d) Winnie the Pooh
The answer is c) Superman.
The most common places to see Superman’s
image were the refrigerator magnet and the statue on a shelf beside his sound
system. He also referenced the superhero when talking with George or
another cast member. So, let’s move on to
month’s trivia question.
Which of these classic movies was originally a box office flop?
a) Ben-Hur b) Casablanca c) The Grapes Of Wrath d) The Wizard of Oz
Call Me At 805-701-8410 OR Email Me At
And You Could Be One Of My Next Winners!