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Brain Teaser Answer:
The Dress Of Love
A mom goes to visit her married
daughter and rings the doorbell. The
daughter opens the door and stands
there completely nude. Shocked by
what she sees, the mother asks why.
The answer was “I thought you were my
husband and this is the dress of love.”
The mother headed home and a couple
days later greeted her husband nude.
He asked what she was doing and she
answered, “This is the dress of love.”
He replied, “I think you need to iron it.”
Traveling With Disabilities
The Air Carrier Access Act has made it
easier for those with disabilities to
travel. But how do you get through
airport security? For info, go to the
Transportation Security Administration
site at
and click on
“Travelers With Disabilities And
Medical Conditions.” (on right side)
for reading my
Service For Life
personal newsletter.
I wanted to produce a newsletter that
has great content and is fun and
valuable to you. Your constructive
feedback is always welcome.
whether you’re thinking of
buying, selling or financing real estate,
or just want to stop by and say “Hi,” I’d
love to hear from you…
Florence Gadbois
DRE Lic #01040021
RE/MAX Gold Coast Realtors
Disclaimer: The information contained in this letter is intended for
informational purposes. It should not substitute as legal,
accounting, investment, medical and other professional services
advice. Always seek a competent professional for answers to your
specific questions. This letter is not intended to solicit real estate
properties currently for sale.
Real Estate Corner…
Q. How do I get the best home for the lowest price
Price is only one of several factors to consider when you purchase a home.
Make two lists with one outlining your needs and the
other a list of your wants. Compare lists with other members of your
family so you are agree on what’s important before you start looking.
Get pre-approved by a qualified loan officer before your
search to find out what monthly mortgage payment is possible given
your debt and income.
The “best” price is usually not the cheapest price. Desirable
locations demand higher prices. But communities with higher prices
also often retain their value the best.
Inexperienced buyers sometimes want to “lowball” their
initial offer. Too often they end up disappointed for a variety of reasons
such as competition with other buyers, a negative reaction from the
seller, and the need to start all over again if negotiations fail.
If you want to learn more, ask about my free consumer report titled,
8 Secrets For Saving Thousands When Buying Your Next Home
.” This
guide will save you time and money even if you’re not planning to buy soon.
Do you have a real estate question you want answered? Feel free to call
me at 805-701-8410. Perhaps I’ll feature your question in my next issue!
“Who Else Wants To Win
$75 Gift Certificate from FrescoII?”
Guess who won last month’s Trivia Question? I’m pleased to announce
the lucky winner of last month’s quiz. And the winners are…drum roll
please: Karine Adeline of The Colony was the first to correctly answer my
quiz question.
Who said, “With great power there must also come
great responsibility?”
President Roosevelt b) Spider Man’s Uncle Ben
c) Zig Ziglar d) Walter Cronkite
The answer is b) Spider Man’s Uncle Ben. The 1962 classic comic book
used this quote in a text box on the final panel. Many attributed it to Spider
Man, but the book’s creators retroactively attributed it to his guardian, Uncle
Ben. So, let’s move on to
month’s trivia question.
Who is the only man to play in both the Super Bowl
and the World Series?
a) Bo Jackson b) Jim Thorpe c) Deion Sanders d) Danny Ainge
Call Me At 805-701-8410 OR Email Me At
And You Could Be One Of My Next Winners!